J.V. Ballester-Olmos Alleged experiences inside UFOs : an analysis of abductions reports Journal of Scientific Exploration , Vol. 8 , Nš 1 , 1994 , pp. 91-105 Case No. 5: Jumilla (Murcia), July 1947. Prospera Munoz, a 42-year-old telephonist, well-read in science-fiction and UFOs, read her first UFO book containing abduction material and started to recall an abduction she suffered when she was 7 or 8 years old. She was abducted by two beings of her own stature and received an extensive medical examination. She believes a metallic device was implanted in her brain. She had further encounters with alien creatures in 1954, 1960 and 197 1. Under hypnosis she only confirmed her memories. 98 V-J. Ballester Olmos Explanation: Depression in a woman under dramatic psychological stress. (Sources: A. Ribera, En el Tune1 del Tiempo. Barcelona: Planeta 1984. Cuadernos de Ufologia No. 4, December 1988. Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29, No.4, 1984. First-hand, J. Ruesga. First-hand, C. Berche.) Case No. 6: Vallgorguina (Barcelona), July 21, 1985. Xavier C., 23 years of age, had left his house to photograph a dolmen located 25 km away. He returned home more than 24 hours later, a full day that he did not remember at all. When his film was processed, a few slides appeared showing fuzzy silhouettes of hands with claws and a series of green, monstrous faces of apparently helmeted beings. Under hypnosis, he related an abduction episode which included a medical examination aided by instruments, performed by strange creatures who manufactured an exact "double" of him. Months later, the witness saw his double boarding a bus in Barcelona City. Explanation: Hoax/psychosis. Unreliable testimony from subject belonging to esoteric circles, prior witness of bedroom apparitions. Sloppy hypnosis procedures. (Sources: Flying Saucer Review Vo1.31, No. 4, 1986, and Vo1.32 No.2, 1987. Cuadernos de Ufologia No. 1 July 1987. V. J. Ballester Olmos and J. A. Fernandez).